How did The Ruby Book Club Podcast start?

31 Mar 2016

Last year, at RubyConf 2015, I found myself chatting to Saron Yitbarek  for a good long time. We’d both been in a great talk by the wonderful Andy Croll, and whilst everyone had headed off to grab lunch, we stayed in the room talking about everything from interactive storytelling to doughnuts.

There were a couple of common things that sprung up during the course of the conversation:

And so the conversation went like this:

Nadia: Wanna start a Ruby Book Club with me?

Saron: Sure. Wanna make it into a podcast?

Nadia: Sure.

And thus the Ruby Book Club podcast was born.

Want to join our book club?

Episode 1 awaits you!

tags: podcasts, podcasting

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